I Loathe
- Noisy, drunken bastards and bastardesses (for want of a better word) who don't care there are people other than them in the pub who would also like the chance to enjoy themselves quietly!!!
- Advertisers on television or anywhere else who make ads with ridiculous claims while trying to sound scientific about their nonsense. And they come up with phrases like 'miracle grow organic fruit oils', 'extract of bitter gourd in its purest form' and so on fucking pisses me off!!! The ones that deliberately exaggerate just to be humorous are fine. At least those are fucking fun to watch.
- People who call me on my direct line at the saltmine by mistake (like dialing the wrong number, for instance) and then sound annoyed when I tell them it's fucking us, not whoever they wanted. I didn't fucking call them, did I??? Fucking morons!!!
- Salespersons who, if you buy something, immediately ask you for the names and addresses of 17 other people you know who would like to do exactly what you've done because if you 'get 17 of your friends to join us/buy from us, you'll get this cheap, crappy plastic bag for fucking free'! A variation is "If you buy 3 of whatever, you can get the next whatever at half-price'.
Like, riiiiiggghht?
- People who keep using my name when speaking to me. In every fucking sentence!!! This is for them. Any of them, all of them.
I fucking know my name!!!
You know my name!!!
I know you know my name!!!
Dont wear it out in one fucking conversation!!!
More than anything else, it's annoying. It's the most obvious sales ploy in the fucking world! It does not make me feel closer to you. Or more willing to do what you want. Unless your name is Hikaru Koto. And dont stand so fucking close to me. The phrase 'one-on-one' does not mean you need to be so close physically that I am forced to inhale your fucking breath.
Fucking imbecilisitic MORONS!!!