Its February and still it rains. If you live within the same longitude / latitude as I do then you know it's been raining for days on end since last November. Nothing new this side of the equator. 'Tis the season, they say.
I didn't do much. Couldn't do much because of the rain and stayed in mostly. And so I bought a book just before the Chinese New Year holidays - 'The Memory Keeper's Daughter by Kim Edwards. Sad, gloomy and well, errr...obnoxiously sappy. But I like. I'm almost done and its one of those that will probably make it to Hallmark's channel if it hasn't already. Perfect read on a gloomy, rainy day.
The only highlights since November was this crazy trip to this waterfall deep in Salako land with the good brothers from borneooutdoorsexploorer.com. It was raining heavily when one of the boys picked me up from my house that morning and it was just pouring mad but I went anyway. I thought it would be a good break from doing Kim Edwards.
The rain did stop to a drizzle when our motley crew of lunatics arrived at Kampung Jantan afterwards. After a quick breakfast at one of the village shop, we moved out.
Two hours, tops, one of the boys said. And I'm like, okay, I'm cool with two.
We walked through rubber, cocoa and pepper farms which predominates the typical village in this area. I managed to take some photos of these turtle doves taking some time out wondering what manner of stupidity would drive some people to be out on a day such as it was.
And then it rained. And we got lost.
And because the trail suddenly became elusive, what was to be a two hour tops journey became three and a half. At the two hour mark, we finally reached a river which was to lead us to the waterfall. It didn't look good as the water swelled due to the heavy rain while the strong current and the slippery rocks did not permit walking.
Not good at all.
We then took to the forest and made our own trail finding our way through the thick vegetation. Thankfully someone, in the person of me, had the sense to bring along a proper 'parang'. There were crazy thorny vines like ropes hanging from tree to tree and creepers everywhere we turned. It was painful. No. It was more than painful. I was soaked to the bones, freezing cold and my fucking legs were killing me. Occasionally, I heard screams and shouts from the rear, a telling sign someone falling on the slippery path.
But eventually, we saw it. The waterfall. About three and a half hours later.
It was still raining but the sight of water tumbling down from what may be 70 metres up and the sheer force as it hits the pool below was just breathtaking.
"Errrmm...but I brought my cap", he said. Someone obviously did not brief the guy properly.
That aside, John made it back with some cuts and bruises. He didn't expect to survive and while at the waterfall he contemplated and even welcomed a slow and painful rainforest death. He didn't think he could make it back but he made it of course and seemed to have enjoyed the whole 'real rainforest' thing despite falling and sometimes crawling most of the way.
But all was good.
One of the boys later mentioned that it would have been 'easier' had it not rain but I personally think it was made more interesting because it did. And really, I wouldn't have it any other way.
Two words.
Fucking. Awesome.
And where is this awesome place you speak of, my friend?
mike : Lundu-Biawak-Kpg Jantan.About 2 hours from Kuching.
Actually, we wanted to go there that day but since your exclusive club had gone before us, we decided to hang out with Pak Durum and his group instead. I think we obliterated about two crates of beer, well at least until the canteen ran out of beers. Pak Durum's brother took my uncle (who's also your distant cousin lah) and I to go there in '98.
We ended up drinking copious amount of bir until 9pm before heading home.
langkau : it was good, kanid and im looking forward to have another go at it.
I'm going there tomorrow at noon and was ordered by them to bring kepala babi.
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