A Noble Conjecture

I constantly torment myself with my burgeoning intelect...sometimes I wet my pants.

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Location: Gomorah, Sodom

I recognise my indulgence in alcohol is a cause of concern. I am equally distraught at my incorrigible insistence to partake in the celebration of my continued sluggish state brought upon by self inflicted and militaristic penchant for mindless mutilation. And you may go ahead and assume that God loves you more but He wants you to know that I am still his favourite.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Light up!!!

  • I was up on the mountains this afternoon. I do this quite often just to get away from the city and from the noise. I always bring a good book with me and spend a good two or three hours just reading and enjoying the quiet tranquility that the forest offers. I had just finished a few chapter of my book and was almost done with my packed sandwiches when this certain brethren from a certain denomination which does not encourage blood transfusion walked to where I was sitting and said his hello. We talked a little and I instinctively lit a cigarette. Bad move.
  • He asked me if I was a practitioner of the Christian faith to which I replied I was. I have been approached by his kind many times and enjoyed talking with them concerning their faith and practices. Today, however, he and whatever he represented transformed into something most annoying. I felt persecuted. There are many things that I can't stand, and one of those things are self-appointed moral guardians. He assumed to be one today and he didn't hide the fact that he was very unhappy with my habit. He even pulled a bible and showed me some verses where lighting up was considered a sin. I certainly did not need someone to preach me on this. I could have just walked away but I decided to amuse him and lit another one.
  • This isn't about smoking. This rant is about my right to smoke and how some people want to challenge that. If you believe what you read/watch on TV, that smokers are sick people, are stupid (that's why we need to be "reminded" that smoking causes lung/throat cancer, respiratory diseases, heart problems etc. Like we don't know that...), are inconsiderate and must be vilified and humiliated with sweeping, blanket statements.
  • But since smoking isn't illegal (yet) then it's still a choice isn't it? I choose to smoke. It's my right. So what if I'll kill myself? Do I want to quit? Yes, sure. But I WILL DECIDE that. I do not need someone to tell me to.
  • Ok. Smoking is bad. I'm not defending smoking. It's a terrible and costly habit and if you can, please don't start. But in the end it's up to you. Your money, your life, your body. Whatever.
  • What I am angry about are people who want to take away my right to choose and for making me look like I'm some kind of freak for not conforming. Like that brethren. He even went a bit further by slapping the religion factor on my face. I DON'T need anyone telling me that smoking causes [insert name of disease here]. I KNOW cigarette smoke contains [insert name of chemical compound]. I do this because I can and I want to. So leave us alone okay? Go and live in your hyperbolic chambers. No one's stopping you.
  • So moral guardian, have a little respect? If you lecture me again on [insert bad habit here], don't even dare to get upset if I flip you the bird. You're not the only one who has the right to be indignant. Just because you feel you're more "conscientious" than me doesn't mean you're better.
  • By the time he was done preaching, I had about 5 cigarettes butts in my 100 Plus can. I didn't argue with him. In fact I didn't say much. All I need now is someone to come and approach me and give me a lecture on my drinking.
Fuckers, try me!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoa! Marah.... Don't beat yourself about this man.. If ever you have to face another being who starts his/her mini lecture with the hope of changing the world, repeat this words in your head, "I am a peaceful being.. I am light, I am a star. How my life is shaped is my decision" Too many words to remember? Try another one here, " Relax, nothing is under control"

Thursday, 26 October, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the same freaks who do not drink coffee?

Thursday, 26 October, 2006  
Blogger Demented said...

anon : relax, nothing is under control...relax, nothing is under control...relax, nothing is under control. this is going to be my mantra from today onwards.

im done with running outside and stretching my arms towards the heavens and shouting 'what have i done to deserve this?!!'.

juju : they are not freaks bro. they are just...special. and yes, the same kind who thinks mike jackson is normal.

Thursday, 26 October, 2006  

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