A Noble Conjecture

I constantly torment myself with my burgeoning intelect...sometimes I wet my pants.

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Location: Gomorah, Sodom

I recognise my indulgence in alcohol is a cause of concern. I am equally distraught at my incorrigible insistence to partake in the celebration of my continued sluggish state brought upon by self inflicted and militaristic penchant for mindless mutilation. And you may go ahead and assume that God loves you more but He wants you to know that I am still his favourite.

Friday, November 07, 2008

U S And A

So...the U S and A has a brother as their President and I say its about fucking time too. All good and dandy and shit. I hope he pulls all those men and women out of Eye-raq fast because I think they've overstayed their welcome and war isn't fun. Love is. Actually, making love is.

Errr...fuck that. Whatever.

But have you been following the local news and shit lately? What about that national budget thing presented by our new finance big boss man. His very first big announcement after taking over the Finance Minister portfolio and shit. Calls it his "7 billion economic stimulus". I read in the papers the other day that this "extraordinary measure was required due to the extraordinary time" we are now faced with. Don't really understand all the mumbo jumbo but my guess is that he's referring to the global economic meltdown and shit. And so therefore, there was a need to introduce this "7 billion economic stimulus" thing. To stimulate...errrr our local economy, I think.

I'm no economist and knows no shit about budgeting but now I'm told all this budget talk, stimulus package and whathaveyou shit is actually a hypothetical proposal. That's right. Hypothetical. It isn't real. Yup, and that's exactly what the finance big boss man's deputy said in Parliament and not 24 hours after his boss made that "7 billion economic stimulus" announcement. And only when he was cornered by an opposition head honcho on the how and whys and shit. Mainly on where the fuck the 7 billion was coming from and why this new budget wasn't tabled, debated and other complicated political budgetery shit I don't really understand.

And so it seems, all those figures and the millions and millions proposed to be given out to stimulate the economy you read on the front page of every major newspaper just recently are all but just a fucking mirage. Not real.

Hypothetical or not, this won't affect me and frankly, I don't really give a fuck.

And what about that dude who is now free from charges of abetment in the Mongolian job, huh? The dude never took the stand. Never questioned if he knew the lady. Or if he knew anyone who knew her. Or if he did Paris with her and shit. And he gets to walk. Judge said no case to answer. Leaving the sorry asses of the two para military dudes who C4ed her to an almost predictable fate.

So much for that talk about overhauling the judiciary and shit early this year. I can't help but fucking wonder if this is all just another fucking charade. Not real and shit. And what about that "be cool" sms expose' and the string of sms-es between the nations second man and the dudes lawyer and shit.

Fuck, man.

We all know the two dudes gonna get shit, big time. Still the bigger question is - who the fuck then gave the go on the Mongolian job and why? I seriously don't think the two dudes have any good motives to do her. Don't think they even knew her.

But just maybe...and this is just a remote possibility. Hypothetical and shit...could it be that the two dudes did it for...ohhhh...I don't know...fun, maybe?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Definitely for fun. There is no other logical reason. They did her for fun.

Saturday, 08 November, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard this story from a reliable source, y'know, the apek sitting on a stool outside Kapit Hotel entrance. He said that the two dudes actually wanted to bomb this guy who just got acquitted. But since he's been hanging out with the Mongol lady, they became confused who's actually who. So, they got the lady thinking it was that guy who got acquitted and they bombed her instead. There was no motive apart from the fact that both heard Satan whispering in their butthole telling them they should do the C4 thing. That's what the apek said lah...

Saturday, 08 November, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha Eye-raq.

Sunday, 09 November, 2008  
Blogger Demented said...

sgt pepper : yes. i think i would have done it for fun too.

langkau : hhhhhhhhahahhahahhahh!!!bloodies lah!!! best one, lah.

irry : eye-rack!!!

Sunday, 09 November, 2008  

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