A Noble Conjecture

I constantly torment myself with my burgeoning intelect...sometimes I wet my pants.

My Photo
Location: Gomorah, Sodom

I recognise my indulgence in alcohol is a cause of concern. I am equally distraught at my incorrigible insistence to partake in the celebration of my continued sluggish state brought upon by self inflicted and militaristic penchant for mindless mutilation. And you may go ahead and assume that God loves you more but He wants you to know that I am still his favourite.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Picture Story VII

Him and her

Chilling out


Green window


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I Just Don't Get It

There are many many things that leave me perplexed.

These are just a few.

Like, I just don't get...

politicians. You noticed how when their lips move, their southern orifice actually does most of the talking?...

why my bladder always waits to explode at the exact moment when I've finally gotten into the car and about to drive away from the pub...

how getting up fifteen minutes early doesn't mean I'll be able to leave the house fifteen minutes earlier than usual...

how this government can sanction the spending of millions of tax payers money on a space tourist and later tells her people that we now have a bona fide astronaut. And then months later confer him a datukship. Thats equivalent to being knighted in the UK, man. Utter bullshit, thats what it is...

why there's always tons of work left, even after a whole month of working on tons of work...

people who leave five minute voice mails that end with "Actually, why don't you call me so I can explain better." Actually, maybe you could just email me?...

people who get all worked up about little things that were an honest mistake. "OK. Sorry. I thought the beer was mine. Really, I thought it was 'cos I was standing where you're standing now and that...bla..fucking bla, bla..." Sheeesh, man. Relax already...

why anyone would want to hang a stupid yellow sign that reads 'The end is extremely fucking nigh'...

why I can never seem to do any real work earlier in the day. I know I'd do better, but I can never seem to get organized enough...

how my brain can be saying one thing while my body does the exact opposite. For example "I should really not drink today" as I'm turning left towards Ruai...

how some people could actually shoot a horrific music video like 'Joget To The Moon' and later stand tall and be cool about it...go ahead, goggle it and see if you agree with me on this one...

Friday, July 18, 2008

I Give Up

I realised last night I've 12 DVD's bought over the last couple of months that I haven't watched. So at about 2:27am this morning I thought I did "Vantage Point". Had a few rounds over at Ruai earlier and wasn't drunk enough to go to sleep. Can't say much about this one though. I thought I'd enjoyed it better if I was shot with copious amount of buffalo tranquilizer just so my brain shuts down. I gave up, killed the movie 45 minutes into it and slept. Stupid movie, that one.

I don't know about you but I also gave up on radio a long time ago. Local TV too. But on my way to the salt mine this morning I thought I'd switched on to one of the government station just to get an update on the latest propaganda and shit.

"...quitter? Are you a quitter?", the man said.

Without lifting my finger of the FM button, I killed the show. One of those Focus on The Family type, I think. Stupid.

But that same shit got me thinking a little while later. Am I a quitter? Have I quit on something...on someone, maybe?

But just because I don't want to do something anymore doesn't mean I'm a quitter. I don't quit. I fucking give up. Sometimes, I think that's what you have to do.

There are times when what you are pursuing just isn't worth the time, aggravation and effort anymore. Maybe the pursuit was the real endgame. When you've given it your all and there's no more to give, short of your life or your soul. When it's time to wave the fucking white flag or throw in the towel. When it's time to take a step back and say, "Sorry folks, but I'm good and done". And walk away.

It's really not a bad thing.

And for the love of Methuselah's mother, I did not go to that thing over in Damai last weekend. So stop asking if I did!!!

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Butt Farked

Just when I thought things wouldn't get any worse, shit had to happen. I'm talking about Anwar butt fucking this towering 23 year old dude. Or so the dude claims. Never mind that we're all fucked by the rising price of fuel and just about every other thing. Read the other day, shit is so bad, poor folks are resorting to diluting condensed milk, rock sugar, coffee and tea to feed their babies. That's here in fucking Malaysia, man. Shit is that bad.

Don't really care if he did butt fuck the dude or not. Not a big fan of the man but I sure hope he gets to clear this shit before they get his ass locked up again. Maybe he should just take on the dude's dare and swear on the Holy Book and say he's all good and straight. This one fucking stinks to high heaven, man.

And then there's the one on the statutory declaration after statutory declaration about that Mongolian lady who blew. I mean - who got blown to pieces. C4 and shit. It seems the poor lady had to disappear because she knew too much. Some shoddy submarine deal or something. Apparently, she was in the thick of the deal and didn't get paid enough and shit. News has it she got played and was about to tell all. And then the bitch fight between Anwar and the Second Man with waves of conspiracy theories about who gave the 'go' on the Mongolian lady, the subs and MiGs intertwined with some butt fucking activities on both sides.

Ohhhhh, lets not forget the Lingam video, man. It seems, the judiciary's gone to the fucking dumps and so are the Five Oh's. It seems one of the three statutory declarations made our top Five Oh dude in that Mongolian job. So even the law's fucked, man. Crime continue to rise and there's still no stopping blatant corruption everyfuckingwhere.

I don't know, man. Its bad. Its no wonder folks are now taking to the streets.

Looks to me like this country's heading straight to the fucking dumps, man. Personally, I'm getting tired with all this bull shit. But someone got to be blamed for all this. And I'm blaming that doctor they sent to space. This whole shit started with him. It's his fault we're all fucked. Don't ask why but it just makes me feel better. Just because. Tell you what, if you have the moolah right now, you should just take that flight out to Os-Tolia or something. Live there and never come back. Better elsewhere than here.

We're all fucked, I tell you.