A Noble Conjecture

I constantly torment myself with my burgeoning intelect...sometimes I wet my pants.

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Location: Gomorah, Sodom

I recognise my indulgence in alcohol is a cause of concern. I am equally distraught at my incorrigible insistence to partake in the celebration of my continued sluggish state brought upon by self inflicted and militaristic penchant for mindless mutilation. And you may go ahead and assume that God loves you more but He wants you to know that I am still his favourite.

Friday, March 14, 2008


I saw a stupid yellow sign hung on the windshield of this little car this morning. It read - "WHATEVER. Who cares...". I thought that was nice.

But I was down at my favourite coffee shop and like yesterday morning and a few mornings before this, the topic of conversation revolved around catchphrases like 'Dawn of a New Era', 'Paradigm Shift', 'BN needs to reinvent', Re-brand', 'A Wake Up Call For Ruling Coalition', that KJ dude, other shitty political shits...ho-fucking-hum. I mean, what the fuck? Can we just now move on?

So the opposition party did well and many friends I spoke to are actually proud to call themselves Malaysians for the very first time. And by that, I mean friends from the west side. Depending on which side of the divide you stood, I'm pretty sure you were either fucking happy or otherwise. While the ruling party is still recovering from the humiliating defeat, their disillusion is still prevalent. I was told a special post-mortem team is being formed or if not already formed to study why they fucked-up. Heads are going to roll, some one has to be blamed and shit like that. I mean, why don't they just fucking admit defeat and shut the fuck up?

The status quo remains as it is where I'm at. The ruling party is here to stay for the next five years but things will never be the same again on the other side of the South China Sea. It looks like the opposition gang will have a field day in parliament for the first time now that they have a bigger corum. I say, good for them.

In the game, there will be losers and winners. But these shit I read in the papers the last few days really got to me. Like that one sore loser from Selangor, I don't remember his name who said, "I forgive them, there's no bitterness at all. This is God's will..."

I mean, this guy actually forgives the people who didn't fucking vote for him! Just who the hell does he think he is? And he blames it on God that he fucking lost? Oiiii!!! You fucking lost because you didn't do the job that your constituents voted you in the last time. Its that fucking simple. You fucking screwed up. Not God. Take the fucking rap and beg forgiveness from Him for using His name in vain, stooopid!!!

And that other guy from the ruling party who said, "The people should not let this trend of the opposition winning too many states to continue". And I'm like, what the fuck? And continue to have retards like fucking you in office? I don't think so.

And what about the other guy who claims that the ruling party and in the person of none other than himself have contributed millions of dollars to the betterment of the state and how the opposition parties have contributed zero dollars to the same?

But hold it right there dumb fuck. Just whose money did you say those were? Ours, the taxpayers, right?


So, fuck off!!!

And did you read the one about this other equally stupid fucktard from the ruling party who lost and now threatens to pull all mega multi million unfinished projects together with those still in the pipe line because the people had chosen the opposition party instead to rule his state this time around. I say, to hell with him and he can fuck off!!!

Ahhh...well. That's politics where I'm at.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was just wondering if I can give some ideas for you all to start a mini 'hindraf' sarawak style or maybe even a 'bersih' themed peaceful walkabout, bro? how?

Anwar Son-Out-Law

Monday, 17 March, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will you join me in praise to the mountain and river gods for the appointment of the wife basher, skirt chaser, once upon a time sacked bank owner and ultimately 'the Son' as a deputy minister in the newly formed cabinet? praise be to the gods!

Wednesday, 19 March, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

er...what's been happening?

Wednesday, 19 March, 2008  
Blogger Demented said...

i dont know guys. hindraf, shindraf dandruff what the fuck druff...dont think i give two fucks bout all this.

langkau : nothing much. the flu. beer. the usual.

Wednesday, 19 March, 2008  

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