A Noble Conjecture

I constantly torment myself with my burgeoning intelect...sometimes I wet my pants.

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Location: Gomorah, Sodom

I recognise my indulgence in alcohol is a cause of concern. I am equally distraught at my incorrigible insistence to partake in the celebration of my continued sluggish state brought upon by self inflicted and militaristic penchant for mindless mutilation. And you may go ahead and assume that God loves you more but He wants you to know that I am still his favourite.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Shut Eye

Time check - Its 1:54am. I'm all fucked up inside my head from having a little bit too much of the big cats just now. The wine inflicted the most damage. And while I think I'm sleepy, I can't for the life of me understand why I can't sleep.

My momma used to tell me to get a good 8 hours of sleep a night, good mattress and all that shit. She still does. The basics, I remember her telling me is to go to bed at the same time. Wake up at the same time. Keep the room on the cool side. Stomach sleeping is not really the best for you, no tea before bed, no this no that and all the other shit.

How can something so simple as closing one's eyes to rest become so complicated? I sometimes wonder why. Could it be because we now live in fast times? My boss tells me eight hours of sleep is considered a luxury and napping, especially in this country is considered by many as slothful. He didn't use the word slothful but while driving back just now and for some uncanny reason I was thinking about a sloth. So there. Moving on...I, by the way am a happy indulgent sloth who savors a good, preferably on the cool rattan mat, nap quite often.

Sleep can become even more complex. Sleep to escape, to avoid, to deny. But, consider this. If we sleep for any reason other than to rest and recharge do we really sleep well? Chances are it is not a restful sleep but rather a fitful one filled with tosses and turns. I get the later sometimes and that is shitty. But I dont think we can escape our inner most demons not even in sleep (at least not with a natural sleep).

I guess for many of those demons, whatever they may be, they sometimes manifest with vigor in dreams. But screw that. I'm hoping to attempt get a restful one after this, so help me God and I don't want to dwell on demons lest I encourage some of them to invade my dreams later on.

Oh, well. Here's to a good night's sleep to us all.


Blogger Shalina Vadivale said...

your blog seems angrier.

Friday, 28 March, 2008  
Blogger Arth Akal said...

u might wanna try to have a glass of warm milk before hitting the sack, kanid.

it works for me.


Friday, 28 March, 2008  
Blogger bastard united said...

ermm..kanid, wats with the 8 hours of sleep a luxury...dun geddit la...

owh, on another note, there is a possibility that u may be here...

Friday, 28 March, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dreamed of demons last night and I had a hard time exorcising it in the name of Polis Diraja Malaysia away from my dream. Next time I should think of kuasa Gaban before getting enough sleep.

Saturday, 29 March, 2008  
Blogger Demented said...

cuukie : nice to have you back, you sexy thang!

arth : TIGER beer works better for me.

bastard : i don't knoe kanid...i don't know.

langkau : i know why. Kuasa Gaban is not very strong. you should exorcise your demons like this -'in the name of Polis DiRaja Malaysia, sang jaka biru, bersih, cekap, mesra, betul, jangan rasuah'. Away!!!

like that lah.

Monday, 31 March, 2008  

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