For lack of better things to post, I decided to put this one up.
While checking my 4 days old mails, I got one with this picture attached depicting chronologically challenged men harmonizing with errrr...other chronologically challenged men. In the pool. A mail sent to me by a friend whose sexual orientation would be deemed unbecoming of a person at least to my conservative standard. But please don't get me wrong. I have nothing against these people. They are alright. Better then religious fanatics anytime. But as long as they keep any sexually inclined thoughts about me to themselves, I'm fine.
His email ended with a gloomy note saying it would be sad to grow old and be dipping in pools of old and fat bearded men.
This is most disturbing.
Enough said.
They all look so happy. Why is that?
carkkent : why shouldn't they?
That is just nasty man...nasty...
if only they are 15 years younger, 30 pounds light'er'
irry, I am 15 years younger, definately and yes, more than 30 pounds lighter...hehehehe...
lets hang out in the pool some time then!
this weekend mabbe?heh.
come over to semenanjung, no problem wif me...hehehe...bring beers n langkau...hehehe
irry is in new york, kanid.
and irry, dont fall for that 'im 15 years younger' scam cos bastard united is really old, fat and has dirty habits.
what exactly does kanid mean???
why is everyone callin everyone kanid.
I once thought it is a very common middle name but seems like its not too right huh.
and Mr. Bastard U, dirteh habits huh..HEHE.
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