I don't really like December. It sucks, o.k. If it was a woman and sucked dick, that would be different. That would be nice.
December to me is that time of the year when I ask how bad I had fucked myself for the past twelve months. I also hate that it is the end. Of something. And I generally hate the end.
And then theres this miserable overrated holiday thing happening soon. That was good when I was much shorter. I enjoyed it then, but now I think its all fucked up. No, don't get me wrong. I'm cool with the baby, his mom and dad. I think they're all cool. Especially the baby. But its the way people had messed this day up that pisses me off. Just look at all the shallow, fake little advertisements I see every damn place. The shit that tells me how by going into endless debt to buy shit for my family and friends I’ll somehow be a better person. What fuck is up with that shit?
Look at the decorations and tell me if you don't think they're completely out of place. Fucking fake snow on fake pine trees. All done under the guise of this holiday spirit. I was in a mall over the weekend to get myself a copy of this months Nat Geo and they had not one but several fake pine trees. And the inside of the mall looked like it was hit by a fucking blizzard. An obese fat man in that thick red costume, fake white beard and all stood under one tree ringing a fucking bell going ho ho fucking ho.
And I, for the life of me, can't seem to get people that buy into that sort of thing. Well, news flash, suckers! Fucking mall isn’t throwing up the fake evergreen, blizzard and a wrong santa cause they just can’t wait to go caroling and make baby Jesus your god, they fucking want your money, you morons!
While we’re on this, I think people who go all out about this Christmas thing it is just beyond the beyond. And I hate how they look at me in a funny way when I say I'm just not into the celebration. I'm cool with the concept and the choir and all the church thing but I don't like, fucking celebrate it. I like, respect it. Or whatever.
Just the other day someone called to ask if I could do some charity work at this home for boys. Said it would be nice if I could also donate some used stuff and other shit.
And I'm like whatdafuck?
I told him to fuck off. Thats exactly why it is beyond me how everyone remembers poor and homeless people for two weeks and then promptly forgets about them again. And also why some Christians thinks it is wrong to get respectfully drunk on Christmas.
Merry whatever.