A Noble Conjecture

I constantly torment myself with my burgeoning intelect...sometimes I wet my pants.

My Photo
Location: Gomorah, Sodom

I recognise my indulgence in alcohol is a cause of concern. I am equally distraught at my incorrigible insistence to partake in the celebration of my continued sluggish state brought upon by self inflicted and militaristic penchant for mindless mutilation. And you may go ahead and assume that God loves you more but He wants you to know that I am still his favourite.

Monday, September 20, 2010

A Study In Moron

I love it whenever there's a police report made against a certain individual of high profile, a group, company and whatever, they'd gather around and take pictures of themselves while holding the police report. The designated clown in the group always points at the report just to make sure the message or whatever sinks in.

Fucking classic, man.

And of late, the plethora of awesomeness in our local news continues with underlying tones of racism, religious fanaticism, bad fashion taste, court comedy and just plain stupidty mostly by morons in high office. Nothing new there but did you watch that classic performance by this equally moronic looking prosecutor in that now famous suicide inquest? I did and man, how I laughed! Like fucking really L.O. fucking L!

What was meant to be a cross examination do turned out to be a fucking court room comedy. And the feeble attempt by the prosecutor to speaking the england was just fucking hilarious. They should just play this gig at every fucking law school and title it as 'how to fail your law exam'.

Fucking classic again, man.

And as if that wasn't enough to shame the local legal fraternity, now we have killer lawyers too. That was on the front page the other day after they were caught as prime suspects in the murder of four. Theres talk of a few more unsolved murders linked to the killers. Murder most grusome, if you ask me. And then nine dogs were put down. Don't know what crime the dogs did but they were put down. Says in the paper, dogs belongs to the lawyers. The killer lawyers. And just now, a friend of the same fraternity called. He just laughed and laughed and in between he said, "Killers, we're now killers!". And alughed some more and then hung up.

Fucking moronic lawyer.

And did you also watch this other moronic looking sorry excuse for a man going 'shit, shit, shit' in an interview on this foreign news station? Equally fucking good watch, this one. You know this guy as this demented old man who heads this awesomeness of a group whose goals and aims are basically to defend the sanctity of their race and pretty much whatever there is to their race.

To be honest, I really don't know where the fuck all these will take us.

Okay, so we have folks who are just fucking proud, in fact too proud to identify with their race. And to the point of just being moronic. Then there are folks who are ashamed of who they are. Which is equally fucking moronic.


So, we on this side of the island got our 16 September, the date 47 years ago when the three states of Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak formed the nation of Malaysia along with Malaya. Of course Singapore pulled out not long after but look at them. They're doing pretty well.

I hear this is a special day now. Special, because thats what every DJ on our local radio kept telling me. There was much cheer on the radio. Some celebration of sorts was planned in town and somewhere else, I think. But thats what the DJ said.

A friend later told me the local indoor stadium was packed and the usual song and dance happened. Flag waving and all that.


Happy days ahead, my flag waving Malaysian compadres!

Happy days!

Also, King Julien in the Penguins of Madagascar is fucking funny.

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Orgasmic Religion And Morons

Its Sunday and I just got back from my dose of the good news and such.

It was good.

I don't know about you but I always thought of religion mainly as the cause of those hideously boring Sunday school sessions. It was only fun when chocolates and sweets were given around.

It is still boring now. Hideously boring most of the time. Today was good, though.

Back then when I was shorter, when I think of religion I think of people murmuring unintelligible sounds while trying to feel really bad about themselves so Big G wouldn't get pissed off and thunderbolt their fucking ass. Or if they actually knew what they were saying, it was basically an attempt to suck up to Big G to get what they wanted. But only on rare occasions when they were really screwed and had no other options. Most of the time it was just a strange social obligation. Go to church because other people will think badly of them if they didn't.

For me, going to church was mainly because of a certain very nice Christian girl I had the hardest of hard on's. Ohhhh, how I sinned every time I saw her in church. Yes and verily I say, I fucking sinned every minute of the two hours each Sundays.

For the life of me, I don't know where she is now but I wish her well. I don't think she knew but some day I will tell her. Of my hard on's on those Sunday mornings. That would be nice I think.


There were some value in the holiday rituals I participated in but slight, to say the least. And so religion for me when I was growing up was just an additional social responsibility. Like showering and not saying things or murmuring shit loads of radda-yabara-aaamaa-mama-gaya that made other people uncomfortable.

But just recently, I re-discovered religion. I re-experienced being born again. I found the white man's religion, Christianity again. And what it's all about.

I was at a friend's house yesterday, chilling out in his small garden and having a deep conversation while downing them big cats when suddenly after my 8th and 12th of his, he exclaimed, "Oh, wow! Look at the sun."

And I did. And it was gorgeous.

I felt such satisfaction. Taking in the beauty, I just felt a spontaneous urge to thank the creator of that sunset. It was as if that certain nice and very Christian girl unexpectedly kissed me on the cheek. I felt excited and happy and affectionate. Almost gay like. Or whatever.

I wanted to give Big G a hug or a smile or something.

And I think that's what real prayer is. Not kissing Big G's ass like he's a friggin boss you're trying to get a raise from. And just like that, it all made sense. Finally, I realise all those prayers praising Big G made fucking sense.

I'm still a little skeptical about all these institutionalized religion and I still go to chirch, yes. But now I'm beginning to get a sense of the impulse that originally created these religions. These traditions. It started with someone who had a personal relationship with Big G, like you might with a dog or your car or something.

Then them morons and weirdos saw that person and tried to emulate his actions rather than trying to understand him and his thoughts and feelings.

Here is an analogy.

Let's say knowing Big G is like having ooooh, I don't know. An orgasm, maybe. People see someone having an orgasm and they go like, "I want to get me some of that". And start copying the persons distorted face and grunting sounds. Meanwhile, the serious seekers start learning about sex. Often times the distorted face copiers get fucking pissed off, frightened, disgusted or jealous and try to kill the serious seekers or drive them out of town.

But that's all fucked up because if them morons would just stick around a little longer, they might just get fucking some.

Fucking morons!

Where was I? Errrr...

Friday, September 03, 2010


In conjunction with the celebration of Malaya's independence day a few days ago, a celebration also recognized by us here on this part of the big island, I thought it would be appropriate for me to put up this photo of our national flower, the hibiscus rosa sinensis.

Why, you ask?

Well, just because.