A Noble Conjecture

I constantly torment myself with my burgeoning intelect...sometimes I wet my pants.

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Location: Gomorah, Sodom

I recognise my indulgence in alcohol is a cause of concern. I am equally distraught at my incorrigible insistence to partake in the celebration of my continued sluggish state brought upon by self inflicted and militaristic penchant for mindless mutilation. And you may go ahead and assume that God loves you more but He wants you to know that I am still his favourite.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Happy WhatDay

...not fifty.

I think we all need to remember that this country was created in 1963, not 1957.

No biggie there. It's ok with me. If the powers that be wants us to accept the "official" independence day on 31st of August, fine. But seriously folks, I read in the papers just the other day this certain minister, taking the American example, said since Hawaii joined or was annexed into the union of the United States late and it was ok for them to celebrate the independence day together with the rest of the 49 states on the 4th July, so therefore we should, as Sarawakians follow the same spirit.

And I'm like, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!!!

But thats ok as long as we never forget that 16th September is important too. We're very different from each other, east and west. Different races. Different culture and different customs. Even have different histories. But that does not mean that we're not one country. Doesn't mean that we can't be united. Doesn't mean one is better that the other.

And so we all know 31st of August 1957 was the day that Malaya got its independence from the British Empire. Not Sarawak and Sabah. They were colonised. We were ruled, YO!!!. By a white pirate.

It is also the official date for our National Day. But this country was officially created on the 16th of September 1963 with Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak forming the new federation together with Malaya, although most casual observers and lay people probably wouldn't know that. Even my sister doesn't. Singapore left or was sort of asked to...leave in 1965 unfortunately or dare I say, fortunately. But I'll say it again like I've said so many times before. There is simply not enough mention of that eventuality into the formation.

I can safely say that many Sarawakians and Sabahans feel kind of slighted by this apparent lack of recognition. Oh, yes we have hosted the National Day celebration but having to host it is not even close to being enough.

But I sincerely think a little respect would be nice. After all, the resources of the two states help power the whole country does it not? Think petroleum, gas, and that huge dam. And what about the so called conditional and exclusive rights the two East's enjoyed when they put their John Hancock on the dotted lines? Even those is slowly being taken away. Irrelevant now, they say. Remember when the Westerners had to use their passports to enter the state?

It would be nice if a little more of Sabah and Sarawak history make it into the national education syllabus. It would be nice if we could get the lions share from our oil and other resources. We really do need it. That being said, we Sarawakians are lucky. Our politics are relatively stable and the state government, for all its shortcomings, has so far done an adequate job balancing our books.

It would also be nice if we could get more TV and media time, if only to prevent West Malaysians from thinking that Easterners still live in trees, are naive jungle dwellers and have no access to technology. I'm not being paranoid. Go ask any Sabahan or Sarawakian who has studied, lived and worked in the Peninsular and they can tell you about all the dumb questions that we keep getting from Westerners. It's not their fault really. They don't know.

This has a side effect. Part of why Sabahan and Sarawakians are so fiercely proud of their state and heritage is the very fact that we feel we are misunderstood and ignored. Our loyalty lies with our state first.

So heres to you my country. And a very Happy 44th Birthday Malaysia.


Blogger Nosce Te said...

It would also be nice if the price of beers in Sarawak doesn't increase like those in the Western parts, and that the Sepuluh-Tiga culture will still be maintained.

Thursday, 30 August, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't you feel like the 31 is imposed on us instead? Its almost like they dont want us to remember the 16. Sometimes they even say the three states 'joined' to form M'sia.

Your langkau fiction friend has got a good write up on the same subject.

And I agree with langkau fiction there on the sepuluh tiga. Let them take our trees, oil and whatever is left. Not our sepuloh tiga.

happy 44th birthday.

Saturday, 01 September, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Independence Day to You Malaya.

Saturday, 01 September, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kawan, would it make you feel more merdeka if you celebrated on 16 instead?

Saturday, 01 September, 2007  
Blogger Arth Akal said...

it's all the same to me...

As longs as our beers stays cheap.

btw, happy merdeka, kanid.

Saturday, 01 September, 2007  
Blogger nazib said...

true. very true. but what i think not right is the wealth distribution part. mr police, don't arrest me for saying this. blessed with god-knows-how-long-will-it-last natural resources, the east side should be enjoying whatever the west is getting. ironically, even the price of papers is higher than here. hmm...

Monday, 03 September, 2007  
Blogger Demented said...

langkau fiction : there would be a revolution such as the world has never seen if the price of this precious amber coloured juice is hiked further.

easterners in the west : imposed on us? i beg to differ. our fore fathers had accepted the date and as such, we followed suit. what we need to remember is that the country was not formed on said date but later when our two states together with singapore agreed to the formation. its disheartening to hear some of these young and misinformed kids thinking otherwise. didnt i just read in the papers last week that a separate celebration on the 16 of sept could very well happen soon?

jurong, singapore : yeah, i guess.

anon : independence from what, i ask of you?

arth : if that rocks your boat, manny happy returns to you too, kanid.

nazib : dont worry, we east sides are not only known for our hospitality but also for being generous. awwww....you know this, broseph.

Monday, 03 September, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Our loyalty lies with our state first"

This is exactly how I have been answering the question "Do u love ur country?"

Tuesday, 04 September, 2007  

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