Monday Blues
Have you ever woken up and knew deep down in your gut that you were about to have a really, really bad day? I'm having that feeling right now. Each day begins with some kind of vibe doesn't it? It does for me. I feel a vibe and I get a feel for what a day would be like. Usually, the vibe is there constantly throughout the day. There are times though, when a day began with a bad vibe and ended really well. Maybe today will be such a day ? God, I hope so. Or maybe its just Monday.
I'm tired. My energy level is low. I feel like pulling the sheets over my head and curling like a boiled tiger prawn. This is probably because of the stuff going on at work. We're being audited and I had to accelerate the progress of some of my projects. Of course that means deadlines. Did I mention before that I hate deadlines? And that I'm no good under pressure? It's not all bad though. It's November. I love the end of the year. Days have vibes and so do months. And the last two months of the year carry with it a certain vibe too. A good, bluesy vibe. It's hard to describe.
I usually feel more melancholy than usual around this time, but this year I'd like to change that tendency. And to that end, I resolve to become less of a hermit and socialise a little bit more. And come December I hope to have company and people to visit and more.
Man, tell me bout it...
The doc informed that im allergic to work...
bastard united : i hate mondays sometimes.
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