A few weeks ago and that would be weeks before that nice wedding by the beach front I was at recently, I flew in to the West Side on an impulse. I say on an impulse because I woke up that Friday morning and so decided to take the afternoon flight out. And that I did.
On my arrival, I did not know where to go or what to do but I knew I had to have some beer. And that I had. Lots of it. At that Changkat road place. Fucking expensive.
Later that night I met 'Papa Rock'. And he was doing what he knows best. And that is to be on the street and to busk. Been doing that for years now. He's wheelchair strapped. Got into a nasty road accident years ago and busted his back. He was, as usual with his sidekick, Pak Man and another new adition to the crew. Usually it was just the two of them. I didn't get the newbie's name. But he was also cool.
Pak Man saw me first and stopped midway of 'Have you ever seen the rain?' by CCR. Fucking Credence Clearwater Revival, yo!
He went, "Hey! Mat Sarawak!".
And I went like, "Yo!".
And Papa Rock went all emotional going, "Where the fuck have you been all these years?!!"
And I just went like, "Yeeeeeooooow..."
Because it was way past 12 midnight and I had been drinking like for the past 9 hours before that and I was like, drunk.
I first became acquainted with Papa Rock when I was very young and in college. He used to sing on the streets around Central Market and each time the pair were there, I never missed like, just sitting and watching them sing. I sort of became a groupie and their bitch or something like that and was sometime asked to sing along with them. Which was fun.
So that night, we sang. Lots of CCR, a couple of stuff your dad listens to and a few M. Nasir's. We didn't do bad. In an hour or so, we got like close to 40 bucks.
A nice girl with a pair of good legs came along much later and asked if she could join too. She sang and she sang very nice.
She was nice.
And in local news, the communists are making a come back!